
EHS4Safety Trusted Partners for Workplace Safety

At EHS4Safety, we are dedicated to making workplaces safer through cutting-edge technology and strategic partnerships. We are proud to announce our collaboration with industry giants Intel and Microsoft.

Our Partnerships



Our partnership with Intel enables us to harness the power of advanced computing and IoT technologies to create intelligent safety solutions. Intel's expertise in hardware and software innovation complements our commitment to safety excellence. Together, we develop groundbreaking solutions that transform the way businesses approach workplace safety.



EHS4Safety has teamed up with Microsoft to make use of Azure cloud platform and Microsoft's extensive software ecosystem. This partnership empowers us to offer seamless integration, scalability, and data analytics capabilities that drive safety performance and compliance to new heights.

Ehs4Safety Blogs:

How is Professional EHS software different from other EHS software?

Role of Sustainability Software Management Systems

The Importance of Safety Training for Employees

Our Trusted clients
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