Risk Assessment is a primary tool and techniques used by management to ensure Environment Health and Safety of workers through an accident that results in loss, by hazard that causes harm and by a risk or damage that result from a hazard.
It is an important step for management to protect their workers and organization as well as complying with the law. It helps to focus on the risk at the workplace.
What is Risk Assessment?
A Risk Assessment is a straightforward and structured method with a systematic process that identifies,analyzes and evaluates the hazards associated with the potential risks within the workplace. So that organisation can weigh up whether they have taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm.
Organizations are legally required to assess the risks in the workplace so that they can place a plan to control the risk.
Why It Is Important To Implement Risk Assessment Safety Software?
Risk Assessment software is a digitized method of software solution that examines all harmful exposures in industries and operational levels. Risk Management Software program is a systematic process that effectively identifies, evaluates and eliminates risks and hazards within the manufacturing industries digitally.
Implementing Risk Management Software is important because it:
- Protects workers
- Improves Productivity
- Reduce loss
- Ensures health and safety
- Suggest precautionary measures
- Preventing injuries or illness
- Complying legal requirement
- Creating awareness about risks and hazards.
- Prevents Accidents
- Helps to take decision
Process of Risk Assessment:
There are five steps in risk management system that the employers inspect and evaluate their organisation they are:
STEP 1: Identifying the Hazards
The first step in Risk assessment system is to identify what hazards that employees and organisation is undergone by overlooking the workplace.The tips that help employer to identify the hazards are:
- Walk around the workplace and look at what is expected to cause harm.
- Check Manufacturing instructions for equipment and chemicals which help to recognize the hazards and put them to their according perspective.
- Reviewing Accident and ill health records or looking back to it will often help to identify less obvious hazards.
- Enquiring representatives that they have noticed the hazards.
STEP 2: Analyzing who and how they are harmed
After looking around and identifying hazards in the organisation. The employer has to think about the employees who might have been harmed and in each case identify how they might be harmed. That means what type of injury or ill health might occur which enables us to determine the best way of managing risk.
STEP 3: Evaluating the risks and deciding precautions
Having spotted out the potential hazards the decision needs to be taken regarding what to do about hazards? how likely it occurs and how the consequence will be there and determining reasonable practicable to protect workers from harm by thinking about what control measures need to be taken at the workplace by organising the work.
STEP 4: Recording the findings and implementing it
Setting and writing down the results of risk assessment into practice makes a difference when looking after workers and organization. Sharing the records with staff will encourage them to record it and helps to craft a risk assessment plan.
STEP 5: Reviewing the risk assessment and updating it
Continuous review and update of risk management should be made as only few organisation workplaces stay the same but many organisation workplaces will constantly change this leads to bring the risk of a new hazard as new processes and equipment are introduced.
Types of Risk Assessment:
The common types of risk management system in industries are:
- COSHH(Control Of Substances Hazardous To Health Assessment)risk assessment: It is where the dangerous substances stored and manufactured at the workplace.
- Fire Risk Management: It is required to establish fire safety in all workplace.
- Work Handling Risk Management: It is required at the workplace where employees face risk while lifting, carrying or moving loads.
Tools and techniques of Risk assessment software:
There are several tools and techniques used to evaluate and prioritise risk. The most commonly used risk assessment tool is Risk Assessment Matrix.
- The risk matrix is a tool used to represent the data visually that results in the risk assessment procedure.
- The matrix is used to measure the level of risk through consequences and likelihood of hazard to workers.
- The risk assessment matrix typically consists of grid with two aspects:
- a) Consequences or Severity on one axis which includes- how bad the severe hazard exposed? i) Fatality ii) Major injuries iii) Minor injuries iv) Negligible injuries.
- b) Likelihood levels on other axis which includes- how likely is the worker injured? i) Very likely ii) Likely iii) Unlikely iv) Highly Unlikely
- Risk are Plotted on the matrix based on consequence and likelihood
- It allows the stakeholders to prioritize risks and determine appropriate control measures.
- The Risk Matrix provides a clear and concise way to communicate risk management results.
- It guides decisions regarding risk management strategies.
A risk assessment is a thorough look at the workplace to identify the harmful situation and process that cause injury or illness to workers and it ensures maintaining the health and safety of workers by implementing a risk assessment software solution system to prevent hazards with control measures.